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Category: Free Game

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Dota Underlords also got a huge update with a new Knockout game mode and multiple heroes

By Liam Dawe,
It's not just Dota 2 seeing a massive upgrade, as Valve also pushed out The Outlanders Update for Dota Underlords as well with a new fast game mode and a better on-boarding experience for new players.

Dota Underlords adds Duos team creation and ranked play, next major update coming soon

By Liam Dawe,
Dota Underlords is steadily getting better and another update is now out with some interesting new features for playing with a friend in the Duos mode.

Humble are giving away Serial Cleaner free for their Fall Sale now live

By Liam Dawe,
You have around 72 hours to grab Serial Cleaner completely free, along with the start of the Humble Store Fall Sale.

Path of Exile continues down the Vulkan path, with a possible port to Linux mentioned

By Liam Dawe,
We've known for a while that the massive and popular RPG Path of Exile was going to get a Vulkan API implementation and they would have liked to do Linux support, seems like they're continuing that line of thinking.

Time to play some classic Command & Conquer as OpenRA has a huge fresh stable release out

By Liam Dawe,
OpenRA, the free and open source game engine to bring classic Command & Conquer titles like Tiberian Dawn, Red Alert, Dune 2000 and eventually Tiberian Sun to modern systems has a big new release up.

Free indie RTS game The Fertile Crescent adds team game support for online play

By Liam Dawe,
While you've been able to play 1 on 1 in single-player against the AI and online multi-player for a while with The Fertile Crescent, it was missing team games which have now been added.

Weekend deals and free stuff, here's what is currently hot for Linux gamers

By Liam Dawe,
Hello Friday, welcome back into our lives. Here's a look at what you can pick up cheap across this weekend and what's free.

Amusing action game Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II adds AI bot support

By Liam Dawe,
The biggest problem for a lot of multiplayer games, even when they're free is pulling in players. To help with that, Pirates, Vikings, and Knights II now supports playing with AI bots.

Red Eclipse 2 is a revamp of the classic free arena shooter coming to Steam

By Liam Dawe,
I will admit this is quite a surprise, Red Eclipse is a first-person shooter I haven't seen mentioned in a long time and it seems they're closing in on a big revamped release with Red Eclipse 2.

Fix up some pipes the puzzler game Flux Caves, now temporarily free

By Liam Dawe,
Flux Caves is like playing with a massive set of marbles, only someone came along and pulled a bunch of pieces out and you have to put it back together.

Road To Nowhere is a free emotionally charged live-action adventure game coming to Linux

By Liam Dawe,
With a style that looks pretty slick, Road To Nowhere seems like it's going to be quite an emotional adventure game. It's planned to be released early next year and it will be free.

The classic FOSS run and gun action game C-Dogs SDL just had a big new release

By Liam Dawe,
It's not just OpenTTD having a new release lately, as the seriously classic C-Dogs SDL also has a big new build to run and gun through.

FOSS building sim OpenTTD based on Transport Tycoon Deluxe has a new test release

By Liam Dawe,
Based on the absolute classic Transport Tycoon Deluxe, the free and open source OpenTTD has a major new release build out that's in need of some testing.

Valve ends Counter-Strike: Global Offensive container key trading and selling

By Liam Dawe,
The team at Valve working on Counter-Strike: Global Offensive have now put an end to the selling and trading of new container keys.

Noir-inspired detective adventure 'Backbone: Prologue' now supports Linux

By Liam Dawe,
Backbone: Prologue, acting as the demo of an upcoming much larger game from developer EggNut has finally added Linux support today a few months after releasing for Windows.

The deep roguelike Tales of Maj'Eyal has a big update out now, new DLC on the way

By Liam Dawe,
The free and open source roguelike Tales of Maj'Eyal just had a huge update for everyone, with a lot more to come.

Dota Underlords introduces a Duos mode, the Underlords, a new UI and more

By Liam Dawe,
Valve just pushed out the aptly named "The Big Update" for Dota Underlords which brings in some huge changes for the free auto-battler game.

Rapid Rescue, a new little open source local multiplayer strategy game made in Godot Engine

By Liam Dawe,
How do you like your news in the morning? I like mine open source with coffee. Today, a game called Rapid Rescue came across the GOL news-desk built with Godot Engine.

Kowai Sugoi Studios close up so they've made their point & click horror 'Shiver' free

By Liam Dawe,
Times are tough for indies, with Kowai Sugoi Studios announcing they're closing up shop and so they've set their point and click horror title Shiver free for everyone.

Continuing the Counter-Strike 20th anniversary Valve put out skins, plus a possible Operation and update coming

By Liam Dawe,
After starting off the celebration for Counter-Strike turning 20 back in June with the retro version of Dust II, Valve have now added a refreshed version of the map Cache and a themed Weapon Case and Sticker Capsule.
Showing 760 to 780 of 1304 entries found.